Your Clients
Agency Clients
My Roster
Talent you manage directly

Content Feed
Instagram, TikTok and YouTube content feeds
from your clients

Filter talent by audience and performance demographics

Talent Playlists
Rosters and lists curated for pitches

Add Talent
Add or invite talent
to your account

Alert Settings
Choose the events you want to stay on top of

Foam Chrome Extension
Embeds, lists, notifications and alerts, at your fingertips

Ask us anything!

My Roster
View all talent you manage directly

Add Talent
Add or invite talent
to your account

Add Talent
Add or invite talent
to your account

My Lists
Curated lists of talent
you manage for specific pitches

Choose a target audience profile and find talent who match

Your Clients
Agency Clients
My Roster
Talent you manage directly

Content Feed
Instagram, TikTok and YouTube content feeds from your clients

Filter talent by audience and performance demographics

Talent Playlists
Rosters and lists curated for pitches

Add Talent
Add or invite talent
to your account

Alert Settings
Choose the events you want to stay on top of

Foam Chrome Extension
Embeds, lists, notifications and alerts, at your fingertips

Ask us anything!

My Roster
View all talent you manage directly

Add Talent
Add or invite talent
to your account

Add Talent
Add or invite talent
to your account

My Lists
Curated lists of talent
you manage for specific pitches

Choose a target audience profile and find talent who match

Your Clients
Agency Clients
My Roster
Talent you manage directly

Content Feed
Instagram, TikTok and YouTube content feeds from your clients

Instagram, TikTok and YouTube content feeds from your clients

Talent Playlists
Instagram, TikTok and YouTube content feeds from your clients

Add Talent
Instagram, TikTok and YouTube content feeds from your clients

Alert Settings
Instagram, TikTok and YouTube content feeds from your clients

Foam Chrome Extension
Instagram, TikTok and YouTube content feeds from your clients

Instagram, TikTok and YouTube content feeds from your clients

My Roster
View all talent you manage directly

Add Talent
Add or invite talent
to your account

Add Talent
Add or invite talent
to your account

My Lists
Curated lists of talent
you manage for specific pitches

Choose a target audience profile and find talent who match